
Light Up Camp Buckets

Camp Buckets

We love to camp! It is even more fun now that we have a little in the family again. Camping with the princess is so much fun. She is not adept at using a flashlight without shining it in people's eyes yet, so we try to find other ways to light up the area around the camp. I created these light up camp buckets using plain buckets from the food storage area of the grocery store and StyleTechCraft™ Ultra Metallic Vinyl.

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I like to add weed lines to my files when they have a fair amount of detail. Here is a short video showing my process. This is one of the most requested skills when I am teaching classes on Silhouette Studio. With a little bit of practice you will be adding weed lines like a pro!

Lighted Buckets
OK. When I was editing I thought to myself "I don't want the "with" on the tent to be a void, I need to edit that and layer another color on top so it will look better". Yeah, that was a mistake. It looks pretty cool when it is daylight, but as you can see in the photo above when it is dark and lit from within you can't see the word at all. Soooo,,, I am going to cut another layer of the word using Glow in the Dark vinyl and apply that over the original.

Camping Lights

I really love this quote- and it is really true! We do laugh about what happens at the campground all year long.  For both buckets I used Ultra Metallic in Black #128. Look how it sparkles!! So the buckets are pretty by day and pretty by night. Perfect.

String Lights
These are two gallon buckets that I picked up in the bulk food section of the local grocery store. They are made for storing food, but we use them for camp projects all the time. They also have a three and five gallon size. I had these lights in the garage from an old party so I put two strands of them in each bucket. The best things about these lights are that they are plastic- not glass- and I bought them on clearance for $5 bucks a strand!

Lighted Buckets
I had the hubs cut holes in the back of the buckets using a round saw bit made for cutting door knob holes. This made it a lot easier to pull the plug out when I want to plug them in.

Ultra Metallic Vinyl
Look how sparkly the Ultra Metallic vinyl is! It is so pretty. 

Be sure to check out the StyleTechCraft™ page for some amazing ideas. The team is always creating the best projects! 

1 comment:

  1. Great project Anita! Makes me almost wish we had a camping trip in the works!
