Well, I have been absent for some time now. I have spent most of the last year at the nursing home taking care of my grandmother, My Gussie as I call her. She went into the nursing home last August 15th, and she passed away July 10, 2010. She was the delight of my life. I have been her part time caretaker for the last ten years - helping with her DR's appointments, medicines, grocery shopping, house cleaning, whatever she needed. This last year was stressful for me (I also work 45 - 50 hours a week) but it was also a labor of love. It has literally consumed me - I spent part of everyday at the nursing home. These last four months have been particularly tiring. She had not been eating well, and would only eat if my Aunt or myself went to feed her. So we went everyday and coaxed a stubborn 94 year old woman to eat.
I also have not had much time to create. As you can imagine, I am behind on EVERYTHING! My house, my yard, my life, all of it needs some TLC these days :) I have taken some time in the last two weeks to sit and create - the stress release is much needed. I have been dabbling this last year with gallery wrapped canvas, and different ways to decorate it and include it in my scrappy world. I created this piece night before last to display an old photograph of Gussie.
The photo has to be copied and printed, so I don't have it yet (territorial relatives!). But is is a beauty - it was taken in 1930, and it shows my Gussie sitting on the back bumper of a car, Aunt Coodge's car to be exact, with her silk stockings on and her crinoline petticoat. She is smiling so coyly at the camera and holding a little bunch of wildflowers that were picked from the side of the road. It is one of my all time favorite photos of her.
This canvas is 8X8 and I have painted it with acrylics, stamped it, covered it with Prima papers and distressed it with liquid acrylics. The flowers are Prima's, of course, the ribbon is May Arts and Offray. The metal findings are out of the jar, so there is no telling where they are from! I have used stickles on the flowers for a little extra sparkle. The sparkly pebble is from Webster's Pages (LOVE those things!).
I hope to get another post up tomorrow night, I just made the cutest little book for my daughter Heather for her spring break trip to the Grand Canyon. I am off to Chicago to the CHA on Tuesday - way before dawn -so I need to get to bed early tomorrow night, but I doubt that is going to happen. :)
Thanks for stopping by - Anita
This is a lovely canvas great colours and details.
You just do the best things on here !! you are so good at this,i will be so happy if i get to be just a little good as you,,lol christy,, [{ still trying to find out how to give out awards }},,,lol and thank you one more time for mine,,,