Pinterest | The Flamingo Chronicals: Pinterest


Ok, seriously, I think I have wasted the entire weekend on Pinterest!!
That site is so addictive. 
If I could ever get off of Pinterest, I might be able to get something done. 
So you Pin? Are you as hooked as me? I am to the point where I start almost every conversation
with "today, while I was on Pinterest, I saw,,,,," and my
DH just rolls his eyes at me. 
Poor man!

I am on the hunt now for some really cool things I saw this weekend.
I have been looking for some new storage to add to my studio,
and I found what I was looking for today. 
I need this piece of furniture!!
 This is a vintage mailroom sorting table and I need this for my Cinch.
I have been needing a table with storage to put along one stretch of wall
so I can keep my Cinch on it, and keep my supplies that I use with my Cinch and
a few other things there as well. This is perfect. 
Now all I need to do is find one!

I will be back tomorrow with a new layout. 
If I can get off of Pinterest long enough to finish it that is.



  1. Oh, I am such a Pinterst junkie! So many beautiful things to see and try.
