Happy Labor Day everyone!!!
I hope you have had a fabulous weekend with family and friends so far.
It is the first Monday of the month so it is time for the
Designer Crafts Connection
To jump through the web ring, find the image in my sidebar like the one pictured here and use the arrows to move through the ring.
Blog Ring and this month's theme is "How I preserve my memories".
Of course you know I scrapbook, but I also have a variety of other items around the house that are wrapped up in memory keeping; shadow boxes, canvases, photos, and one very awesome flamingo mosaic made out of pink glass. One of my very favorite is this frame from my daughters Debutante Year
This was DD2s formal portrait for her Debutante Ball and it was on display during the ball Of course, I had to do something special to show off my baby! This frame is 40 x 30 and the very definition of Southern Gold Gilt!
The theme that year was
"Diamonds, Pearls, and My Little Girl"
so I pulled lots of her "little girl" photos and used those to cover the mat space in the frame.
I added lots of flowers, ribbons, pearls, bling, and sewing to the photos and mat to add to the frame.
Sorry about the glare- after a couple of years, I realized I would have to put all this behind glass. It is almost impossible to photograph- even though I used Museum Glass. And yes, sadly those are scratches on the photo in the corner, the frame shop dropped the entire piece and broke the glass after installing the first time. Luckily, it only dented the surface of the photo, and didn't take scratch the color off.
Thanks so much for stopping by today!
Be sure to check out the rest of the web ring- there are so many talented artists in the group!
Anita, this is incredible! Such a stunning art work. love all the little photos around the big one. All the flowers and embellishments makes it even more beautiful.